Hazy Daisy - Brooch and hairclip
Top row: Coral, Purple, Navy
Middle row: Pink, Grey, Charcoal
Bottom row: Sage, Bark, Beige
Sage showing haiclip and brooch fastenings
Hazy Daisy Ring
Clockwise: Charcoal, Coral, Pink, Purple, Thistle, Bark, Sage, Grey, Navy, Beige, Charcoal
Coral back showing adjustable ring
Hazy Daisy Hairpin
Top row: Bark, Pink, BeigeMiddle row: Thistle, Coral, Sage
Bottom row: Purple
Rosebud Hairclip
Top row: Navy, Sage, Bark, Thistle
Middle row: Beige, Pink, Purple, Coral
Bottom row: Grey, Charcoal
Button Daisy
Top row: Thistle, Coral, SageMiddle row: Charcoal, Pink, Grey
Bottom row: Navy, Purple
Hairclip Holders
Henrietta Hedgehog
I love how she holds her nose in the air!
Bridget Bird
Sleepy eyes and long legs!
Mellow Mushroom
More pretty buttons
Chrysanthemum Rings
Front to back: Purple, Beige, Pink, Sage, Bark, Grey
Sage close up - again the rings are size adjustable
Sakura Hairpins
Top to bottom: Grey, Pink, Blue, Bark, Purple
Purple close up