Thursday, 14 May 2015

A new venture...exciting and scary!

I can't believe I last posted in March!!  Well actually I can as I know I've been neglecting this blog but there is a reason for that.....I have been very busy setting up my own business which fills me both with excitement and trepidation.  So after over 10 years working in the field of mental health and specialising in wellbeing in the workplace, when funding cuts hit the charity I was working for and I was made redundant, I wasn't ready to leave this area of work behind so I set up....
Work Smart Work Savvy - The place to come when work gets crazy

Work Smart Work Savvy is the place online for employers and employees to get tips and advice about all things related to wellbeing in the workplace, creating good work life balance and focusing on our general mental wellbeing.

There is also a website which is work in progress at the mo so I can't really share more on that for the time being.

There is a whole host of free information on the blog that I add to several times a week.


Every Friday, one of our readers takes on the 12 Question Coffee Date Challenge answering a set of randomly selected questions from our database in as much or as little detail as they's a genuine excuse to be nosey!!

Hannah Fox's Diary is the Work Smart Work Savvy weekly soap opera.  Each week, Hannah shares her diary and her joys and struggles to achieve perfect work life balance without going crazy.  Hannah Fox is a character we have created.  She is based on my years of experience working for a national mental health charity supporting people facing stress in the workplace.  The names and characters are not based on any one person and any similarities are purely incidental.  However, hopefully we can all see a little bit of ourselves in Hannah from time to time!

Wednesday is often seen as the hardest day of the week; we're climbing that proverbial hump back bridge but we haven't quite reached the top of the hump yet to start the run into the weekend.  So the Midweek Motivation is that little bit of positivity to help ease the weekly "hump day".

The articles I write come from my experiences, my ongoing interest and research into workplace wellbeing work life balance, conversations I've had and articles and reports I've read which I've felt compelled to comment on.

I am busy beavering away at creating affordable on-line training block workbooks...I know the title needs a bit more work, I haven't settled on a name yet... courses... workbooks... blocks but whatever I decide to call them the concept is the same.  Some of these blocks will be one off, one hit sessions and others will run over a four week period.  The blocks will be downloadable and available via the Work Smart Work Savvy website meaning that individuals can access the course wherever and whenever they wish and can do it in the comfort of their own home at their own pace..

These workbooks will be provided at a similar price to the price you pay to participate in a physical exercise class such as Body Pump or Pilates.  The NHS make recommendations on their website about the number of hours of physical exercise we need to do to keep healthy and I see these training workbooks being an exercise class to look after the wellbeing of our mind which I think we can all overlook at times.

Grab a cuppa and pop over for a visit me at what I now call my day job....Work Smart Work Savvy

Oh yes I'm still making and baking in amongst this but I haven't been so good at sharing photos of my creations.  I'll try and do a catch up post soon...

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